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Theatrical Afternoon Tea
events in our Enchanted Theatre space

Tiny Ts Theatre & Honey Hill Tearooms
The Old Dairy, Tewin Hill, Welwyn

"What a fantastic venue and everyone was super friendly, 7 year old and tween both said it was epic! Us mums loved it too."

"It was so magical and so much thought had gone in"

"The attention to detail was exceptional"

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We are over the moon to be hosting a very special 
Snow White Afternoon Tea & Theatre with Snow White from
Iconic Parties and of course our usual magical fairies! 

Each table will have a different dwarf name for fun, with props at the table to enjoy during our story and magical tasks to complete!

As well as sitting down to a beautifully themed tea, adults and children can enjoy making their very own love potion drink! 

Adults £35 
Children £28


Wicked Witch's Finger Sandwiches 
Egg Mayo, Ham & Mustard OR Brie & Onion Chutney (v), Cream Cheese & Cucumber 
Happy's 'SAY CHEESE!' Scone 
Mini Cheese Scone 
Snow's Fruity Scone 
Mini Fruit Scone with jam & cream
Magic Mirror Macaron 
Woodland Brownie Bites
Woodcutter's Cucumber Twigs 

Wicked Witch's Finger Sandwiches 
Cheese (v) or Ham,  Jam
Snow's Fruity Scone 
Mini Fruit Scone with jam & cream
Magic Mirror Cupcake
Woodland Brownie Bites
Poison Apple Jelly 
Woodcutter's Cucumber Twigs 

GF & Dairy Free Available 

Please email 
with the amount of people, dietary requirements,
children's names and your home address to post your invitation letter to! 
Tables booked in 2, 4 or 6. 

Tiny T's Theatre


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For Entertainment Enquiries

& Tiny T's Enchanted Treehouse

™©All characters, designs and work is
copyrighted and trademarked to Tiny T's Theatre
All illustrations are also copyright to Jay Stelling Design 

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